As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and presents new challenges, Carpals continues to develop and implement strategies to manage the virus threat. We can assure you that we take this threat very seriously and are doing all we can to help prevent the spread of this disease while still providing you with gold standard care. The safety and care of our clients is always our utmost priority.

We want to update you on some of the measures we are taking to protect you. 

  • Universal Masking: Effective immediately, we are implementing a policy of ‘universal masking’ for all visits for your safety. As such you will notice your care provider wearing a mask. Please note that the use of the mask is for your added protection and does not indicate any change in the health of the caregiver. 
  • Enhanced Screening: Everyone plays a part in limiting the spread of the virus. Screening protects you as a client, your family members, our Team members, and our communities from exposure.
  • Team Members Screening: Our Team members are required to self-screen themselves daily to ensure that they are healthy. If the employee has any change in their health status, they immediately initiate self-isolation and do not come to work.
  • Patient Screening: Our Team Members will also call you prior to each visit and go over some questions with you. This is an important step as Team Members will not be able to enter your home if the screener is not completed. For the safety of yourself and others in the community, please answer the questions as accurately as possible.    
  • Other Measures:
    • Continuing to update our educational materials on COVID-19 to our team members, including the latest information from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Constantly promoting hand hygiene for all our Team members and providing hand sanitizer.
  • Continued daily monitoring of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and World Health Organization directives regarding required responses to COVID-19.
  • What you can do

o    Protect yourself and others – Follow hand hygiene guidelines: wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (if soap and water are not available). Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Coughing etiquette: cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and proceed to throw out the tissue and wash your hands. When greeting people, abstain from shaking hands, hugging or cheek kissing. Also, please remember to get your flu shot. We all play a part in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

  • Stay informed – Information regarding COVID-19 changes daily. Watch for updated communications on COVID-19 subjects such as screening and isolation procedures, recommended prevention activities, travel advisories etc. by following the Public Health

Agency of Canada at 

o    Be Calm – There is a lot of misinformation about COVID19 out there, particularly on social media: calm and measured reactions to COVID-19 from all will carry us through this challenge.

  • Participate in the pre-visit screener: When our Team Members calls you for a pre-visit screener, please participate. The visit will be subject to your participation.
  • Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms? If you feel like you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, please contact your local Public Health office for further direction. After contacting Public Health, please limit your interactions with others as much as possible. Contact our office if you have a scheduled visit so that we can ensure that our Team Members have the appropriate supplies to provide your service.

Rest assured; we are working hard to continue to provide your care safely. If you have any questions, please call our toll-free COVID-19 Response Line at 437-928-4224.

Thank you and please stay safe.