Carepals Pandemic Measures

Expert Healthcare Staffing Solutions

Our Highly trained pool of Registered Practical Nurses (R.P.N.), Personal Support Workers (PSWs), General Housekeepers, Residential Support Workers, Motor Vehicle Accident Managers, and Legal Health Administrators (LHA), are dedicated to providing the compassionate, cost-effective care that Canadians deserve.

Trustworthy Care Experts

Healthcare staffing is about more than just having the number of people you want. It’s about having access to the people you need—dedicated, experienced professionals of the highest quality. No one understands this more than your Carepals Health Team. Carepals Health Team provides medical staffing solutions featuring the best qualified and most compassionate health care professionals. Our commitment to a Higher Standard of Staffing means you have a partner you can trust to provide the best quality care.

Our Servies

Registered Practical Nursing

Our nurses build relationships with clients based on their input to create an effective healthcare plan and maintain their home-care choices and nursing services. A primary nurse ...
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Dedicated M.V.A. Care Managers

Your M.V.A. Care Manager works with all parties to create a personalized Care Plan designed to support client’s care needs and coordinate and supervise an exceptional Care Team to implement ...
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Residential Support Worker (RSW)

Our Residential Support Worker (RSW) is responsible for maintaining a safe and supportive environment and providing a high standard of primary care. The RSW is also responsible for assisting in ...
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Legal Health Administrator

our Carepals Legal Health Administrator (LHA) is a licensed professional with the appropriate governing body specializing in navigating the healthcare system to acquire additional care ...
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Social Work Services

If you are going through a difficult period in your personal, family, or work life, CarePals is here to help. Our professionally trained social workers can assist individuals, families, ...
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Personal Support Worker

Personal Support Workers assist with Activities of Daily Living (A.D.L.). They include assistance with hygiene, grooming, dressing, and toileting. Personal Support Workers ...
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General Housekeeper

General Housekeepers assist with more complex instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). We understand the needs of a busy household and can provide you with an experienced Housekeeper to ...
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Trusted Approach

trusted Approach

Carepals Health delivers total transparency on mutually agreed upon KPIs, staffing partner selection, requisition distribution, and the strategic workforce management goals specific to each health system.

Strategies That Go Beyond Staffing


We are a health care service that builds and retains our staff, while cost-effectively managing temporary labor. Our process reduce risk and increase efficiencies in compliance, provisioning, and onboarding

See What Our Staffs Say

Rose Lillys
Rose Lillys
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I have been working with carepals health for about a month now. So far, the experience has been great. My favorite part is the weekly paycheck.
Sandy Hunter
Sandy Hunter
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There was some mis-comunnication regarding when I would get my first check but since then I've had no issues and it's been pleasant working for Carepals Health.
Delshaundra Boyd
Delshaundra Boyd
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The staff were very professional and well. I like working for this company. Everyone is very nice and polite. I like the freedom to pick up shifts that fit around my schedule

Does Your Facility Need Staff Now?